“Remember this little Betty?”
It all started about three years ago. She walked through our studio doors and in a blink…my world changed. There was something about her. Her energy. Her enthusiasm. Her spirit.
We instantly clicked.
She instantly booked.
She married.
We stuck.
And now…well, now our photographer/client relationship has flourished into an amazing creative partnership that keeps me feeling fresh, alive, spontaneous and full of life (not to mention a great sister-friend bond). She is a raw talent that I trusted early on…a talent that I knew would bloom into something epic (hello, Lindsey Regan Thorne Be Pretty). In just a few short years, she is now booking destination markets, branched off from her full time swanky, Gensler gig and is making quite a name for herself. I do feel like that proud, influential momma watching her little chick grow. Crazy proud.
So that brings me to a fun little something we chatted about driving home from Charleston yesterday…”Operation Switcharoo!” Head on over to LRT’s blog…because quite frankly…her description is too cute for words!
I adore our collaborating sessions. I cherish that we push the creative envelope, but know how to reel it back in to keep things real. In summary – I just simply love this motivating little cheerleader!
And now…I head back to the lovely world of post production, but not before a little flashback…
And an amazing little Super 8 coverage by Richard Israel.
Lindsey Regan Thorne - My dearest land of the nugs,
Thank you dear friend and sisterly-elder for all the loving words… and wisdom! I heart you more than sugar cubes and thanks for inspiring me… and us ever day! I’m super duper pumped for Operation Switcheroo!
Middle BearOctober 5, 2011 – 1:50 pm