“Journey’s…” From time-to-time, I love going back through the blog roll and re-reading the thoughts and emotions experienced at those particular times. I smile, laugh, cry (mainly at how quickly my twinkies are growing) and sometimes cringe at my work (that’s a good thing, right…otherwise we haven’t grown). I have discovered…I am not a […]
Category Archives: Children
“Meet The Delmastro’s…” My cup runneth over with love for my friend and professional colleague, Jill Delmastro (known to many as Cake Lady Jill!). This session together has been a long time coming – and what a blast we had! Thank you, Jeff for putting up with me and my silly antics. And to sweet, […]
After much thought and prayer, we have decided to start a new division of Kristin Vining Photography…kvpkids!!! Except our approach is going to be d.i.f.f.e.r.e.n.t. Much different. The sessions will be beautifully produced, creatively styled and ‘prettied-up’ by our team! Think Gap Kids…Crew Cuts…Janine + Jack ads. Lots of props! Lots of wardrobe! Lots of […]
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