Ronald McDonald House Charlotte | Girls Night Out

Bloggers meet Ronald McDonald’s House | Girls Night Out…

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of photographing the Ronald McDonald House GIRLS NIGHT OUT fundraiser.  It truly was a magical night!  Watching the model mom’s (who have relied on the services of RMH personally) moved me to tears.  Even Carrie Ann Drinnen (a local Charlotte wedding planner) strutted the catwalk after sharing her RMH story and testimony.  Remarkable!!

I am a firm believer in giving!  And I could not be more excited to see this home come to the Queen City – it is going to change people’s lives!

A special thanks to all of the countless volunteers who came together to make this evening possible!  Thank you for entrusting such an event in not only my hands, but in my good friend and talented photographer’s hands – Andrea Cunningham.  Debra Hall and her team at Childress Klien worked tirelessly…and every bit of effort showed.  Melissa Lamkin headed up the entire event, and she didn’t leave one corner unturned.  From the marketing to the styling…she amazed!  My good friends Vinny and Diane from Split Second Sound brought the house down! There were so many wonderful people involved…too many to list, but know that they are all very much appreciated!

I hope you enjoy this little snippet of the night!

To learn more about this event and how you can be part of RMH, click here!

Melissa Lamkin (pictured center) and her team rockin’ the step and repeat.

Take away bags were filled with all sorts of yummies!  Delicious Twinkle Boutique earrings (dang…I wanted those!) to hand-crafted Thank You Cards and chocolates…they were perfect!

Good call, Debra Hall…the tie backs were a great last minute punch!!

Mona Johnson-Gibson (Executive Director), Margaret Penrose (Office Manager),  Ari Harris (Community Outreach Director) and Melissa Klingberg (Co-Chair).

A few of the wonderful sponsors that were part of the evening, Best Impressions Catering, Ivy Robinson Events, On A String Bead Shop, Shutter Booth, Ice Sensations and Bella Bridesmaids!

The girls!!!

Let the show begin!!  I think I saw a few women leap onto the stage!!  hahahaha…just kidding!  The dudes rocked it!

Brotha Fred – Radio/TV Personality – emceed the evening.

The yummy runway frocks!  I’ll take one of each please (in a larger size, of course!)

deb hall - UM HELLO!?! DID YOU EVEN GO HOME last night?!?! THANK YOU KVP for your amazing talents … and being so speedy about it! It was a great event … and an even better organization! Love ya toots!May 14, 2010 – 2:33 pm

Tweets that mention Ronald McDonald House Charlotte | Girls Night Out » Charlotte Wedding Photographer -- - […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Twinkle Boutique, Girls Night Out RMHC. Girls Night Out RMHC said: Photographer Kristin Vining's blogpost and images from last night's event! […]May 14, 2010 – 3:13 pm

Ivy Robinson - hotness. just plain hotness!May 14, 2010 – 3:34 pm

Melissa Lamkin - OMG! Love this KVP! Thank you SO much for being there and shooting the event. I can’t wait to see more – thanks for getting such awesome shots of the styling! LOVE the ones of the boys!May 14, 2010 – 5:26 pm

Must Try: Miller’s Downtown in Carrollton, GA | Don't Forget Dessert - […] were a couple of pro photographers, Drea Cunningham and Kristin Vining, at the event and they posted pictures to their blogs. Check them out! The event was amazing and I […]May 18, 2010 – 6:44 pm

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