Where do I even begin?
It seems a bit surreal that after months of preparing it is finally time to start. To announce. To clarify. To grow. To expand.
Let’s start off first with clarification. I am still and will always be a wedding photographer.
It is my passion. My art.
This year is and has been filled with so many beautiful weddings that I cannot wait to share. It excites me greatly to think about all of these memories I am so privileged to capture.
Next…The Announcement!
The hubby and I started chatting about…well, lots of things half way through last year. Let’s face it. We’re not getting any younger. 2014 marks a very big year…Our 40th. And something about that set us in motion to…grow, grow, grow. To better prepare for college educations, savings, retirement and something to leave our babies when we’re called home. We have always had an interest in personal real estate, but it wasn’t until a friend was going through the home buying process that she opened my eyes to…ding, ding, ding, ding…that this would be fun and exciting to do for others. And maybe, just maybe I would be good at it. It’s all about people, relationships, marketing, branding, selling, staging, details, organization, pictures, education and business…all things I love.
All things we already doing.
Last summer were introduced to the lovely Cindy Sikorski, Broker-in-charge at RE/MAX Executive Realty in South Park through our former agent. There was an instant connection. We knew immediately that once we were up and running this would be our home. And now it is. We are officially…
Licensed South Carolina Agents!!!
(working on NC licensure)
We have a few things cookin’ right now and cannot WAIT to sign our first listing and help our first buyer!
I wonder who it will be?!
Vining Estates (official website coming soon) is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!!
Alan - Congrats KV and Ken! An exciting new direction and I have no doubt that you guys will be great at this! A.April 1, 2014 – 11:25 am
Kari - I want your life! It is so beautiful! God has blessed. Best wishes!
April 1, 2014 – 11:47 am
Sue McFarland - WOW!! You guys rock!! Good luck on your new adventure. I am sure it will be golden like all the others, how could it not be? You guys are so cute together. Your babies are totally precious, too!! Congratulations, Kristin!!April 1, 2014 – 11:58 am
Candice - How wonderful!!!! Congrats!!!! Can’t wait to see so many amazing things in your future!April 1, 2014 – 12:13 pm
Drew - I LOVE YOU ALL!! SO, SO PROUUUUUD! First off, what a smokin hot fam! Second, you never cease to amaze me! This chapter of your life will be so exciting and fulfilling, I know! Congrats on your newest endeavor Vining Clan! Doing a happy dance over here for you! Smooches and Hugs all around! <3 <3 <3April 1, 2014 – 12:23 pm
Monica - How Awesome! Love the photos and I wish you both LOTS of success. So exciting!April 1, 2014 – 12:35 pm
Lindsey Regan Thorne - Very proud of you and Ken! You guys were made for this and there’s no doubt that you will more than succeed! Can’t wait to see what VE will become a year from now! XoApril 1, 2014 – 4:31 pm
karen bromby - This is a perfect fit for you! Home buying can be such a harrowing experience. With your lovely spirit, you will help others with this daunting step. Congratulations!
And I love your session with the fam to announce! Shows your heart.April 1, 2014 – 11:00 pm
Deedee Mills - So so exciting!! Congrats! You never cease to amaze me. Let’s get together ASAP!April 1, 2014 – 11:26 pm
Tracy Burke - All the best to you both! I will keep an eye out for you in Ft Mill because I know that sooner than later, we will be seeing you everywhere!!! Can’t wait to watch you become the best … Cuz that’s what you do!April 1, 2014 – 11:37 pm
Jenny J Cook - Huge congrats to you and Ken! Exciting adventure! xxApril 2, 2014 – 2:04 pm