Meet Diane and her family…
The best thing we got out of our ex-boyfriends was…each other! We met in 1995 at a fireman’s Christmas party in Orlando, Florida (yep…we were both dating firemen). She walked in wearing a barbie-hugging, hot red dress that left all of us girls drooling in envy. We met. We talked. We laughed. We danced. We became best friends. Ultimately, we ended up becoming roommates, and I will never forget our incredible two bedroom/two story condo that we each paid $300/mo for…we were BIG LEAGUE!
But as we ‘grow up’, things change. New jobs. New boyfriends. New beginnings. The one thing though that has never changed is our love for one another. She is and has been my soul sister. My muse. I want to be like her when I grow up. I want to cook like her. I want to find shopping deals like her. I want to be creative like her. I want to be adventurous like her. I want to crave reading novels like her. I want to be patient and attentive like her.
This past November our family and The Jenning’s met up for some much needed togetherness! We had been talking for years about updating their family pictures. But every time we get together we seem to play, laugh, drink and ‘just have fun’ too much. And we agreed, when we do it…we’re gonna do it right. It will be thought out. It will be a true reflection of their interests and their lives.
Well by golly, she did it and did it “Safari-style!” Her inspiration came from their family’s love for traveling and adventure. My jaw dropped when she shared all of her newly found treasures with me. Many of the props were borrowed from their local children’s theater. The majority of the wardrobe they had themselves…and yes, she has some rugged dressing boys most days! The jeep (courtesy of The Phelps) is currently being housed at their home while they are stationed in Japan.
To my beautiful best friend, Diane…”I love you. Forever.” To my precious little Noah and Sawyer…”Auntie Krissy had the best time hanging out and playing. Bray and Addy long to be back. So excited for Easter break!” To the man whole stole her heart…”Kevin, you are the ultimate one. Thank you for loving and taking amazing care of your precious gems. Aaaaand wearing a scarf! hehe!”
Here’s to the next 15 years! ~x0
Courtney - What a goregous family!December 30, 2010 – 9:44 am
Lindsey Regan Thorne - oh Kristin!!! How adorable is this… I’m in total aww of everything!
So sweet… and your writing… your brilliant!December 30, 2010 – 10:17 am
Lauren - Umm… stunning. Beautiful pics and such a beautiful family! Those boys are going to break hearts. Love it.December 30, 2010 – 10:57 am
Angela Braniff - Kristin these are gorgeous!!!! It also helps that her husband is HOT and looks like the guy from the notebook
And she looks STUNNING!!! Magazine family!December 30, 2010 – 3:29 pm
Bergen - How neat!! I wish you did more family pictures because I’d be calling you up this spring to see if you could capture my two guys and I. Adorable, fun family. xoJanuary 5, 2012 – 3:31 pm
Krystina - Love this photo shoot – I am saving this in a folder for when I have my own family! This is such a great idea!May 24, 2013 – 10:02 pm