“Trick or Treat…”
Words cannot even begin to express the love and adoration I have for my family.
Simply put…
They are my everything.
As they grow, it seems like each holiday gets better and better. And this year, they certainly grasped what it meant to “Trick or Treat” – and boy did we get some Treats!!
My husband and I debated back and forth on whether we were going to dress up – until this past weekend when we called it…nah. We’ll dress up next year. And then on the actual day…we felt bad not doing this for our precious twinkies that we ultimately decided to wing it and use what we could scrounge up (thank you, Judy and Debbie for the backup’s!!).
So Daddy became a Jokester/Clown, PapPap a Construction Clown, Grandma was Ragedy Ann, Mamaw was a Kitty Cat and I was a Red Riding Hood/Clown/Choir Girl combo (and Auntie Tiffany was ‘Jenny’ from Forest Gump!). But despite how silly we looked (mainly mommy and daddy) the twinks LOVED it and kept telling all of us how beautiful we were and how much fun they were having.
I hope you enjoy this little snippet into our Halloween. The jumpstart of the holiday season is well underway…and so far Fall has been amazing to us!!! Incredibly blessed!!
And now…meet Snow White and Optimus Prime!!
~ xo ~
Lindsey Regan Thorne - ADORABLE!!! I love those kiddos!November 2, 2011 – 2:38 pm
kristinvining - Awww…thanks, Auntie Lindsey! We love you!!!November 2, 2011 – 2:39 pm
Nicole - “Now, look scared!”
These are amazing – you have the cutest family!!November 2, 2011 – 3:35 pm
kristinvining - Bahahhahahaha…HILAROUS Nicole!! “Show me Happy! Show me Sad! Show me MAD!” haha…love that memory with you!! Can’t WAIT to share! xoNovember 2, 2011 – 4:50 pm
Lauren - Bring your kids to work day! Soon! PLEASE??? I need to meet the Little V’s.November 2, 2011 – 9:45 pm
Kristin Vining - Most certainly will, Lauren!! They used to come over all the time when we lived right there. Can’t wait for you to meet them! xoNovember 3, 2011 – 6:20 am
Jess Kennedy - These are absolutely precious. You have a gorgeous family, and the twinkies just gorgeous.November 3, 2011 – 6:21 am
Jennifer - Oh my goodness, what cute pictures!! Snow White pictures are amazing and so so adorable!!November 3, 2011 – 7:30 am
kristinvining - Thanks, Jess and Jennifer!!! It was a great Halloween and I am so happy to have these memories!! xoNovember 4, 2011 – 7:49 am