Glad to call him, "Friend!"

A couple of nights ago I had the pleasure of sitting down and having a couple glasses of wine with a well-respected, amazingly talented photographer, Richard Israel. We shared so many beautiful stories with one another and a few times I found myself in utter awe of his life-time experiences.

I am so happy to call him a friend. He certainly has a unique niche in our market – shooting film (alongside of digital) is rare to find these days.

Be sure to check out his website and blog – it is truly jaw-dropping, fine art!

Thank you, Richard for your time. Can’t WAIT to shoot together!:)


Catherine & Stuart – Charlotte eSession

I always light up when a prospective client comes into the studio with innovative ideas. Both Catherine and Stuart knew exactly what they wanted prior to even meeting, and after learning about them I was ON BOARD to participate!

Stuart is a local theater actor and Catherine a librarian. The combination of the two lead us to the Main Public Library followed by a FUN shoot at ImaginOn! So different! So quiet! So colorful! So FUN!!!

Thanks guys – can’t WAIT until June 20th!










Anonymous - Thanks for the great pics, Kristin!

StuartOctober 3, 2008 – 10:04 am

Shh…give him a little…


One of the hottest gifts this holiday season is Boudoir Photography or what we like to call “Shh…”!

Throw on his favorite jersey.
Throw on your favorite t-shirt.
Throw on that hot nighty he gave you for your birthday.

Call today to book your time slot…they’re going fast!!!

Jaime incorporated a fun custom jersey during her bridal portrait session early last year.

Amanda stepped in to take a few shots while on location during a recent shoot in NYC. She was styling the shoot, but wanted to give her boyfriend a little surprise upon her return home. Hmm…can you say, “Guess Ad”!

Wendy was married in early 2006, at which point I started shooting quick, romantic shots just before putting on the dress. Of course I longed for time and perfect lighting, unfortunately wedding day doesn’t always allow for that. Regardless, here she is on wedding day…

and here she is a couple of weeks before delivery…

(*note – permission was obtained to post above images.)