I sit here blank.
Where do I even begin?
Tom Cruise comes to mind for some reason. I wonder if I am having a Jerry McGuire moment?
Then I think mid life crisis? Hmmm. Does that happen at 40? Is this mid life? Have I reached mid life? Geesh!
And then I move on.
Perhaps I am just flat out crazy. I wonder if that is what other people think? “KV is crazy!” Can’t help but chuckle at this because I know it is so true.
That’s it.
Crazy IS living. Risk-taking IS living. Fearless IS living. Success IS living. All of which embody my makeup. Who God made me. Who He wanted me to be. Courageous, strong, hard-working, loving, passionate, compassionate and one who follows Him (despite my constant battle over control with Him…that’s a whole different subject).
“Just say it, Kristin!”
I am retiring from wedding photography.
(Mind-flash…why do I see all the local wedding photographers simultaneously jumping up and down? haha!)
My why?
Oh there are a bunch, but in a nut-shell let’s list the my top three.
SIDE NOTE: This is NOT meant to distract, discourage or offend other professionals and/or new professionals coming into the marketplace.
1. Photography is/has been rapidly changing. For the last couple of years, I have found myself chasing my business versus being ahead of it.
2. Growth is crucial to success, however if I want to grow in the realm of photography it means getting on the road. I don’t want to spend my life on the road working…away from my family.
3. Retirement is closer than we think. Something about turning 40 this year has set us in motion. Preparation mode if you will. We set a New Years Resolution…#yearofeducation. It has been great as we (the hubby and I) have accomplished some pretty cool things!
And there you have it.
(hold please…tears).
So what next?
(For those who have been following social media this shouldn’t come as a surprise.)
Introducing….drum roll please…
Ken and I have always had a vested interest in our own personal real estate investments. Fourteen years of marriage has allowed us the experiences of buying/selling multiple homes as well as commercial. And then mid last year (when I was driving around with a dear friend of mine looking at homes) a light bulb went off. She said, “You would be good working with people buying homes.” At first I thought she was nuts. I was TOO busy and TOO tired to start (another) something new. But for some reason it resonated with me.
Then I did it. Not sure if I asked or just told Ken (I’m sure he would say, “She told me.” hahahaaha)…
“Babe, we’re going to real estate school!”
And so here we are. Now doing what we have done for ourselves many times – for others.
Nine months later of getting our feet wet, investing not only money (holy cow it’s expensive getting this business off the ground) but time, energy, souls, spirits…making sure this is what we wanted. What we were passionate about. What we would be good at. And we are!!
The Vining Group represents both SC and NC buyers/sellers/investors FULL TIME!
Keller Williams-Baxter Village Market Center is where we hang our licenses.
We have a new “Cubby” (which has been super fun to personalize), we’re head-over-heels in love with our team leader, broker-in-charge, fellow colleagues and office philosophies (God, Family, Business).
We already have a few buyers lined up and looking, and I cannot WAIT to LIST our first house.
I GET TO TAKE PICTURES OF IT!!!! And that means that we’re helping someone find their next place in life. Pretty cool stuff!
So while I maybe retiring from wedding photography, I am not retiring from the creative. I intend on shooting a new home…at least twice a month. And that is just a start! Oh, and I have these two little creatures in my life named Bray and Addy that I gotta keep documenting (despite their enthusiasm!).
Okay beautiful people…TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!
We’re FULL TIME Realtors!!!!
In closing, I have to share this quote. Perhaps it will move you the same way it did me.
“In order to succeed your desire to succeed should be greater than your fear of failure.” ~ Bill Cosby.
Do not be afraid.
~ xo ~
What we’ve been working on this last week. Rebranding, promo products and previewing inventory for buyers.
Courtney Martinez - Oh my gosh! While I am super happy an excited for you I am also crying inside for all future brides as you truly are THE BEST! Not only are you fabulous at your gift but you are truly a wonderful person to meet and get to work with
we wish you all the best on your new journey! XoxoSeptember 10, 2014 – 3:19 pm
JULIE STALEY - Now that it’s official, let me say on behalf on all the photogs who hit the Charlotte wedding photographer scene between 2008- now, you have always been the success story we all wanted to have. You did it! You chased down a dream and followed it with professionalism, grace and beautiful imagery. As your passion turns another corner and you pursue other big dreams ahead, know that the Charlotte market (and hundreds of brides) was made better and more lovely because you were here. Wishing you the best!September 10, 2014 – 3:38 pm
Darcy Potter - Though I will miss seeing and stocking your beautiful Wedding, Engagement and Lifestyle photo’s, I will enjoy following this new journey ♡ Congrats on this exciting time! Hugs and Luvs Darcy Potter. P.S. if I ever move that direction you will be my go to Realtors of choice 😉September 10, 2014 – 3:44 pm
Jenny J Cook - The wedding industry will miss you, but so happy about your leap into a new field! Super exciting. Wishing you all the best…you and Ken will rock it. xoSeptember 10, 2014 – 4:10 pm
Jessica - While this post ultimately makes me very sad because I have followed your beautiful photography for years hoping that when my time comes you would be available to capture our perfect moment in time…it’s also inspiring. Best of luck!September 10, 2014 – 4:29 pm
Nicole Dwyer - I’ll be honest. I feel like I’ve just been broken up with. Yes I wish you SOOO much joy, luck and happiness, you’ll do great things but you are one of a kind and have a gift like no other. I’ve followed you for years and you’ve always been my favorite wedding photography, prayed you would shoot my wedding one day…NOW I can’t wait to see your homes and since I’m an Interior Designer I’ll love seeing photos of the sultry designed and decorated homes!September 10, 2014 – 4:47 pm
Sue McFarland - Oh Kristin, I really hate to hear this. I am super excited for your new ventures and plans, but you are a very inspiring photographer and I will miss your beautiful photos!! Good luck and don’t forget to post some shots of those gorgeous children every now and then!
SueSeptember 10, 2014 – 6:21 pm
Your Walking Party {LRT} :( - Tear. Drop.
I’m so sad that you’re saying goodbye, but I’m so incredibly happy for you & Ken and this new journey. I’ve been sitting here reading the encouraging, sweet and sincere comments from all of your friends. I’m echoing what everybody else has already said. We are going to miss your amazing talent behind the lens. You’ve given so many brides, mommies, families, and business owners photographs that will be forever cherished. Nobody wants to see you go, but everybody is excited to watch you unveil this new passion of yours. You’re going to crush real estate! I can’t thank you enough for believing in me and giving me a chance. You’ve touched my life in more ways than you’ll ever know… I’m forever thankful for you! XOSeptember 10, 2014 – 8:09 pm
Sunnye Bates - I love your enthusiasm for life, love and family! I am so very happy for you and your wonderful husband. I wish I was in the market for a house out your way because the Vining Group is definitely who I would call! Big hugs to you both!September 10, 2014 – 9:24 pm
Alan Daly - Aah, KV! I’m so excited for you and Ken! You’re absolutely right to be fearless and venture out there to the next part of life’s adventure! You have set the bar so high with all that you have done thus far, I have no doubt that you’ll do it again in your new career! Cheers friend!
September 10, 2014 – 9:43 pm
Whitney B - So proud of you!! Love this post. Get em’ girl <3September 10, 2014 – 10:31 pm
kristinvining - Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you all so much!!! Your words have touched my soul. xoxoSeptember 12, 2014 – 3:46 pm
Karen Bromby - So very happy for you KV! I have had three wonderful careers from which I have retired and I’m not retirement age either. My family has come first in my career choices. Power to the moms! And blessings to you as you begin anew! KarenSeptember 12, 2014 – 7:41 pm
Andy Chen - stephanie told me the news last night when we were out at an event.
best wishes. bummed to hear you’re moving on; made me feel the touch of mortality.
– acSeptember 24, 2014 – 5:31 pm