Our story begins in 2008. Into my studio walked, Lindsey Regan (at the time) Thorne and her fiance (John). She was a bouncing, beautiful bride. Captivated by her style and outgoing personality, we immediately started chatting as if we had known one another for years. No wedding date. No wedding location. Yet…they hired KVP. Humbled.
August 2009. She and one of her best friend’s (and KVP bride too!) flew me down to Miami to photograph a joint bridal session. Two shockingly stunning women. One ridiculously beautiful location. The pictures spoke for themselves.
And that is where it all began.
After one too many glasses of celebratory champagne post shoot, the two besties started playing dress-up…and I was the rag doll. Yep. Brushes, colors, hairspray, hair teasing were in their hands working me. Next came the camera. “KV…show us how to work this thing. We’re taking YOUR picture!” It was slumber-partying at its finest. A moment that I will cherish forever.
It was in that moment that I realized Lindsey had yet another talent on top of her mad interior/wedding design skills. Makeup. Hair. I didn’t look half bad. Yes we were goofing off, but when I said something to her she responded in saying, “KV!! I love doing this! HIRE ME! I would LOVE to do this for your brides!”
So I thought. I acted. We tried. And look now.
She is soaring!
I love watching people chase their dreams. Grow. Flourish. A little-spunky-lovable-crazy talented-Art Institue Grad…honing in on her natural God-given talent and running with it. She has an ability to make every person she meets feel BEAUTIFUL…including me. She pours her heart and soul into her craft daily. Continually learning new techniques, staying on top of the latest makeup, hair and wardrobe styles…all while struggling with a very personal issue.
Let me preface this in saying – Lindsey, John and I have talked and they have given me permission to share these personal images from our time together last week. They have a story. And they are ready to share that story with others who might be facing the same struggles.
Unexplained Infertility.
The statistics are astounding. Many of you know that my husband and I faced this very same issue. We tried for four years. Four very long years. Longing so bad to carry a baby and not knowing why I couldn’t was the toughest part. Watching all of my friends get pregnant so easily – really tough. But in placing it all in God’s hands (the only way I ever stay sane!) we were blessed with our miracles – Bray and Addy.
Lindsey and John are facing the same issue. The unexplained. The why’s? The yearning to feel a baby growing inside.
This image speaks so much of what they are experiencing. This image was taken on the day that they would find out of they were blessed with a baby.
It was negative.
We continue to pray to see what God has in store.
I love you, Lindsey and John. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be part of this beautiful (and yes, difficult) journey with you.
More lovely pictures to come…
~ xo ~
Chantel - The emotion in these photographs is…. I’m not even sure what the right word is. Beautiful work. Beautiful people. Positive thoughts coming your way, Lindsey (and John).October 10, 2012 – 5:28 pm
Shannon Vass - I think this photo is beyond words…..so beautiful in every way. Angels are staring down at you and I hope your wishes become reality soon!October 10, 2012 – 6:40 pm
kristinvining - Thank you so very, very much!! My thoughts are exactly the same as yours!!October 10, 2012 – 8:46 pm